Boards Ability to Make Changes to the Rules and Regulations



“Any portion of the common elements which is not limited in use may be used by any Unit  Owner subject to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Managers”

ELEVENTH: “All present or future Unit Owners, tenants, future tenants, or other person that might use the facilities of the Community in any manner, are subject to the provisions of this Declaration, the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the Condominium”

SEVENTEENTH: (g) “Regulations promulgated by the Board of Managers concerning the use of the property shall be observed by the Unit Owners provided, however, that copies of such regulations are furnished to each Owner prior to the time the said regulations become effective”


Article II, Section 2: Powers and Duties (of Board of Managers)

(e) “Adoption of, and amendments to, the Rules and Regulations”

(m) “Enforcing the obligations of Unit Owners”

SECTION 15: Rules of Conduct

“The Rules and Regulations may be modified or amended by the Board except that a vote of a Majority of Unit Owners at a meeting called for that purpose may overrule  the Board with respect to any such modification or amendment”

“The Board may assess administrative charges against all Unit Owers who violate the Rules and Regulations”